Will your anchor hold in the storms of life When the clouds unfold their wings of strife When the strong tides lift and the cables strain Will your anchor drift or firm remain? We have an anchor that keeps the soul Steadfast and sure whilst the billows roll Fastened to the rock which cannot move Grounded firm and deep in the Saviour's Love - MHB 634 An ANCHOR is a heavy metallic object that is lowered from ships or boats to connect the vessel to the BED of the water to PREVENT THE VESSEL FROM DRIFTING DUE TO WIND OR CURRENT . The role of the anchor is so well defined here. In light of the metaphors, the anchor represents a person or a thing capable of holding us down or firm in the face of life's difficulties. For most of us (and at least for me) our anchor is our Dad. He pays our fees and gives us money too so we are very trusting of and dependent on him. For some others our anchor is our friends, riches etc. All these anchors are good but are they able to prevent ...