“A well-designed welfare state can actually encourage people to take chances with their jobs and be more, not less, open to changes.” ― Ha-Joon Chang, 23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism “The welfare state is not really about the welfare of the masses. It is about the egos of the elites.” Thomas Sowell Enter Welfare State. The welfare state (German sozialstaat; Italian Stato sociale) concept refers to a situation where the state plays and maintains a role in the protection and promotion of the social and economic well-being of its citizens, often through the creation of welfare or (the more fashionably named) Social Protection programs. It is thought that the state through these welfare programs create a safety net meant to shield the poor and vulnerable in society. Enter “Chalk”. Ghana’s Vice President’s wife went to Kukurantumi to donate computers to a Presbyterian School and a headmistress or headteacher (whichever applies), asked her to convey to the...