“Show me your friend, and I’ll tell you your character” – A Ghanaian Proverb (a direct translation into English) One of the statements we often heard as children in Primary and JSS, when teachers were referring to a group of “bad” boys was to mention the name of the gangalia (gang leader) and add “and co” to refer to the others. You would hear something like “Yaw Jon and Co”. When I grew, I came to understand that the “Co” was the short form of “Company” and that it referred to more than just businesses. It referred to one’s friends, notably the group of people one surrounded themselves with. Paul of Tarsus made clear the importance of company to oneself. He put it succinctly in 1 Corinthians 15:33 that “Do not be misled: Bad Company corrupts good character” . The Apostle is said to have quoted a Greek poet, Menander, demonstrating his grasp of contemporary literature. However, the lesson is solid: your life is impacted by the quality of your company! And this “compan...