Dearest Love,

I won't ask you how you are doing because I know you are not well. The shouting match we had on the phone some days back is surely well engraved in your brain. You also know that I am a proud man and I'll not allow you to claim victory of that match. However I write this not to cop a plea (you know I won’t beg) but to tell you that such love-conflicts are a part of all relationships, and we need to look at the bright side of these conflicts.

I believe that our quarrels and battles alert us to the fact that there are some weaknesses in the relationship that we need to sort. After all, if we didn't have the weaknesses we would not have quarreled or even had any kind of a Cold War. The most important thing is that we must, like you and I beautifully do, make sure that our conflict gain traction and a frank resolution. I know you feel the same joyful calm that engulfs me whenever we make up after battle, as though we have freshly met - the )d) fofr) thing.

I also want to remind you that our love-conflicts always bring to the fore issues you and I never knew existed, or always overlooked. Waa look at our most recent one, the shouting match, I believe what we learnt was that both of us have the tendency to behave like disgruntled old housewives when we were frustrated. I must admit that on that day, I was frustrated at my helplessness in the face of a seeming standstill of my life. I just carried the frustration over to that small issue we were supposed to be laughing at.

To conclude, I would encourage you to look at our clashes in a positive light so that you don't blame me too much.

To conclude the conclusion, I would want to reaffirm my love for you. You know I am the beeeest man in the world, and my love for you is the beeeest in the world. Please forgive, no accommodate, my youthful exuberances.


PS: I love you with all my love.


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