What have Torres and MTN in common? Well Torres used to be a prolific striker (and of course a feared one)in his days at Athletico Madrid and Liverpool. After joining Chelsea, Torres is now past his prime and is utterly useless. MTN can be likened to Torres; MTN is past its prime and is UTTERLY USELESS!

The litany of MTN's inefficiencies is too well known, notorious in the least! In 2012 we all witnessed MTN at its worst. The Daily Graphic of Tuesday, 4 December 2012, carried an article on its back page where the NCA ordered Scancom Ltd – operators of MTN – to stop the sale of their sim cards due to massive network disruptions which greatly worried customers. Data services could cut for half the day before it was restored. Sometimes subscribers could only receive but not make calls and vice versa. There were and are times that you call somebody and the call gets on a totally different line. Dubious and spurious loss of airtime or credits also adds to the inefficiencies. These are but a few of the problems and MTN has not addressed these despite the various fines imposed on them.

There have been calls for people to switch networks but the usual excuse is "I have used the MTN number in all my documents and so I cannot change the line." In this day and age of Mobile Number Portability (MNP), sticking to MTN whilst citing this excuse is lame. Yes it is lame! PORT YOUR NUMBERS TO DIFFERENT NETWORKS!! I ported to Airtel, and I must say I am enjoying the service at Airtel.

With the Mobile Number Portability, you are able to move to a different network with your existing number. All you have to do is to go to the offices of the new network and it'll be done. It is hassle free, you don't change your number and you will have no problems whatsoever. Port your numbers away from MTN to a different network, especially to Airtel. MTN has nothing more to offer anybody. It is time consumers taught these telcos a lesson; that power belongs to the consumer who patronises their services. This can be done only when consumers realise their power and use it accordingly. For now Airtel is the in-thing. Port your MTN numbers to Airtel.

MTN has nothing new, or any better service to offer because just like Fernando Torres, MTN IS UTTERLY USELESS!


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