Hi there kiddos,
This is my first letter to you even though you are not yet born, but of course you'll be born. Four strong boys. You, my first son, will be named Kojo. The next is Samuel, then David-Sampson, then the last, William. You guys are named after some great people in my life – my dad, a combo of my brother and my almost-twin friend, myself, and my Christian guru respectively. Let me cut to the chase. I am writing to you just to talk. We'll talk about what I'll do for you, and the dos and don'ts of our family (Am I a dictator already?). Don't worry you'll enjoy this.

What I’ll do
So, let's start with what I'll do for you. I'll provide all your needs, surely I will. But I'll NEVER provide all your wants. This is to teach you modesty and contentment in a very materialistic world, and I know your days will be more materialistic than mine. When I was a kid, my dad your grandfather provided my needs, but never, I mean never, did he provide some "needs" as I saw them. I never owned a Nintendo game boy, not even bricks game (ok u don't know that game). I watched movies standing behind peoples windows. Instead I was registered at the library whilst in primary 4, and I was made to read, read and read until I could read no more. Eventually, I learned modesty, contentment and came across so much knowledge (u don't see the correlation, right? U'll understand later). This is what I'll do for you.

Most importantly, I'll teach u to be very good Christians. For this reason you will get proper Christian training. Your mum-to-be is a very good Christian and I, your dad, am training myself in true Christianity. When I was a child, my mother your grandma, constantly took me to church and taught me all I needed to know. That training she gave me kept me on the narrow path. You'll have that training. You will not be just church-goers, you'll be true Christians, your mum and I will make sure of that.

The dos
You kids are supposed to "use your heads" at all times. You'll be required to use your common sense. I attended a school where a breach of common sense was a breach of the rules. This was ingrained in me and you my kids will have to do same. Of course since you are males, Mfantsipim School will be your only choice of a high school. I'll expect you Kojo, my first son, to give leadership to your brothers at all times. Give your mother no cause to complain (because when she starts talking, its non-stop), and care for her in the times I'll be away from home.

Since you are boys I'll expect you to be stubborn sometimes. I swear to you I wasn't a dull boy in my days. I remember some time your uncle David and I engaged some boys in a stone-throwing match. We cornered one boy and ended up hurting him, hitting his head with a stone. The boy's mum marched him to our home to complain to my mum your grandma. She bathed the boy with our sponge, and made him eat our food (you are laughing?). But please, don’t be as stubborn as your uncle David, or I'll be forced to come down hard on you (your mother also knows some few things about cracking down on boys, beware).

You boys will have to be strong. By strong, I mean you should be mentally tough. The world is not a bed of roses. People will hurt you, some will disappoint you, few will love you, whilst others will plainly hate you. In all of these, I expect my boys to be as strong as their dad. You are also required to be creative and intelligent. Being hardworking will be a part of you, and if names have effects on people, then I have some real smart, hardworking boys. You’ll also have to be sociable. You should be able to relate with all manner of persons. These qualities are the stuff winners are made of, and you’ll possess them.

The don’ts
You boys will have no right to disrespect your mother. She is my wife, and I expect total obedience at all times. There may be times that as boys, you’ll talk back to her. But don’t you ever show her gross disrespect, it shall not be tolerated at all. Once your grandpa, Kojo Harrison, lashed me severely when I used the words “stupid” and “woman” in a sentence whilst I spoke to my mum. I’ll mete out the same punishment if you should disrespect my wife. 

Again, you boys shall not rebel or be rebels in my home. God knows I’ve rebelled enough in my youth. All the rebelling you’ll do, I have already done. I rebelled against some teachers, my friends, and even church leaders. But in all these I never rebelled against my parents, nor rebelled without good reason. You’ll soon see that rebellion runs in the family. But I have had enough of it. Your mother-to-be has also had enough of rebellion, especially mine, and I’m very sure she would not countenance any more from you boys. She already dreams of having female children, and I fear if you give her a whiff of that behavior, you boys will not be born.

 Lastly, you boys will have no right to love your mother much more than you’ll love me.

Well, boys, I know my letter is long but I needed to talk to you before you “dropped” on earth. We’ll talk more as the days go by.

With love,
Your Dad.


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